Promundo and the Kering Foundation recognized that, to end the continued exploitation and abuse of women, society would need to nurture a generation of emotionally healthy men. In other words, Promundo needed to advance a shift in cultural notions and norms of masculinity.

Our Solution
Given Promundo’s thorough approach in addressing the root issues that underpin violence against women, we knew that a simple marketing campaign wouldn’t be enough. We worked with researchers, agency partners, parents, teachers, practitioners, and—yes—boys, to launch the Global Boyhood Initiative.
The Global Boyhood Initiative included a dedicated website, which offered straightforward research, practical advice, and easily accessible resources, like a conversation starter card deck, tailored to the needs of parents, family members, coaches, and teachers—the people in positions of influence and authority caretaking society’s boys. To promote adoption of the tools offered, we launched #BraveryIs, a digital campaign that included an Instagram filter and IGTV series. Next, we needed eyeballs and attention. Integrating cause influence into the campaign strategy, we were able to identify influential public figures and celebrities who would be willing to leverage their own personal brands and platforms to elevate the issue of healthy masculinity. Supporters like Kevin Bacon, Elizabeth Banks, and James Whiteside participated in the campaign by initiating thoughtful conversations about gender norms, sharing personal stories, modeling healthy expressions of emotions, and basically making it okay for boys to just be...boys.